These are super awesome necklaces. Both of these can also be found in the bazaar. Chickachickacheck em out! Thanks for the questions and screenies! Happy Dueling! Labels: Ask Friendly A Question , celestia. Newer Post Older Post Home. He is an optional boss in Big Ben the final dungeon of Marleybone. He is a fire boss and has a health. If you choose to fight him spill the three milk bottles found throughout the dungeon on floors 6, 10 and He won't appear unless you do this, his a cat who really love his milk!!
You can battle him with his two potbelly minions Storm, Health. This quest introduces you to all of the various teachers in Ravenwood minus poor Dworgyn who is stuck in Nightside. You will also receive a useful spell for your school from this quest. Prospector Zeke stands in the hub somewhere in each world and offers one training point quest per world.
If you want to do more Zeke quests it would benefit you to progress quickly through the main questline to reach new worlds faster, because you will need to access pretty much every area in the game. I have written an in-depth guide about the Zeke quests with every single collection of items he asks you to find. Eloise starts to offer quests in Azteca, perhaps being bored sitting next to Zeke and not doing anything other than helping players with their stitching.
However, her quests do not give training points as a reward until Khrysalis Part 1. Every release since has included a quest from Eloise with one training point as part of the rewards.
Eloise is doing some work for the Marleybone Royal Museum, and she always asks for flowers of some kind to put on exhibit there. Here are all of the locations of her flowers in each world. From the entrance to Silent Market, go to the ledge to the left of the bridge, overlooking where Zarina the StoneStepper sits. You will find the Khrysanthemum on that ledge. The Karamelle City Peanut Buttercups are cleverly hidden in a flowerbed next to the crafting vendors. He has a series of three quests that give the player training points, and these quests are unlocked every 2 levels from level 52— The first quest, The Special, requires the wizard to retrieve some ingredients to make a special sandwich for Ogden to remind him of home.
Hilariously, these ingredients are pet snacks, as the street vendor you talk to points out. The nettle root, medium fish, golden squash, and stinky cheese can be easily bought in the bazaar back in Wizard City. The second quest is Me And My Arrow. Ogden, an anthropomorphic dog, owns a non-anthropomorphic dog named Arrow, and he is worried that Arrow is getting lonely at home without him. He asks you to bring Arrow a collar from the Wizard City Pet Shop, and deliver it directly to his door.
This quest is very easy with no battling or buying or crafting required. The third quest, Time for Tea, requires you to be at least an Adept Crafter, so do all the crafting quests before the one in Dragonspyre to be able to complete this quest. Ogden feels terribly uncivilized without his tea, and needs to feel like a proper Marleybonian, so he asks you to craft a Tea Set.
The recipe for Ogden's tea set can be found at Torald Wayfinder in Northguard, in the world of Grizzleheim. Here's what you will need:. The fossils and red mandrakes are going to be the hardest part of the recipe; either find them in the bazaar or look for stone blocks and red mandrakes in areas like Dragonspyre and Nightside and mutate the stone blocks into fossils. The reagent transmutation seller is near the entrance to the Survey Camp in Celestia.
Once you have crafted the tea set with your Housing Crafting Station, bring it back to Ogden and exchange it for a training point. Lighting up the tiles and pulling the lever. The second milk bottle is in this room. Floor 11 has two nightmare spirits Death and a potbelly Storm. If you have the quest you can open one silver chest in this room.
The end is now in sight, no fight in the next room. Floor 12 good news you can find some much needed red and blue wisps in this room. This room has a nice little trick too, fill up on some of the wisps making sure to leave some still floating. Now wait a few minutes, check your deck or something, just don't leave the room. The wisps will then all regenerate to the initial number when you entered the room.
You can also return to this room to pick up any wisps left remaining after you leave, which can prove a handy energy source. A stray cat can also be found in this room, it is behind some tall crates on the left when you enter the room.
Floor 13 has a potbelly Storm and a shield skeleton Death. The last milk bottle is in this room, if have knocked all the milk bottles over you will get to fight the optional boss Spike the Crusher in the next room.
Spike has two potbellys in the room with him, you can leave the milk bottle standing go into the next room and fight the potbellys. Go back into the previous room and knock the milk bottle over to face Spike on his own! Floor 14 Spike the Crusher, optional boss Fire and two potbellys Storm. There are two red wisps in this room.