Saints coach Sean Payton challenged his players with yo-yos, but the execution was lacking vs. Press 'Enter' to see all results. Most Recent Stories. Log In Subscribe. AFC East. AFC North. AFC South. AFC West. NFC East. NFC North. NFC South. NFC West. AL East. AL Central. AL West. NL East. NL Central. NL West. West Ham United Wolves. Virginia Tech Washington Wisconsin. Purdue Syracuse Villanova Virginia Wisconsin. Redblacks Stampeders. Featured Teams.
Want to discuss? Please read our Commenting Policy first. Like a lot of kids, Harrison Lee liked to play with yo-yos. Read more: Metro Vancouver yo-yo prodigy Harrison Lee unveils his newest creation.
Lee became a Canadian yo-yo champion and also something of an entrepreneur, having designed his own yo-yo. Lee worked with Canadian company Caribou Lodge for his first yo-yo design called the Orca. His latest creation is The Otter, which is designed to expand the number of trick possibilities.
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