Techno and Dubstep first met in Japan. It was later revealed that they were two of Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Girls, early in her solo career. Techno and Dubstep were hired as talent bookers for MyMusic to manage what was broadcasted on the website, and according to Techno in the pilot episode, It Begins Again , "once Indie and Idol brought us on, the company grew fast!
However, the website shortly shut down after their arrival, and the company fell into bankruptcy. Fortunately, Idol presented MyMusic with a new Youtube channel and partnership, and Techno and Dubstep quickly resumed their jobs.
Later on in the conference room concerning MyMusic Live , Techno suggested showcasing a dance party, but Indie disapproved and claimed he didn't want the viewers to have too much fun. Sooner or later after the multiple personality Scene madness, Indie decides to leave for a convention and puts Idol in charge, but Metal takes a stand. Before this though, when Techno asks Dubstep if she should try to be leader too, Dubstep laughs, thinking Techno was joking when she wasn't, which infuriates Techno.
After many events, Techno and Dubstep temporarily go separate ways, but after a touching declaration of friendship on Dubstep's part, the two reunite. Techno and Dubstep have spent the long hiatus dancing, without paying attention to getting more talent for the company.
As of Raver Madness , they've turned Idol into a raver. Lainey Lipson Scene as Scene. Jack Douglass Intern 2 as Intern 2 …. Chris Clowers Dubstep as Dubstep. Lee Newton Country as Country …. Lia Marie Johnson Rayna as Rayna. Lisa Schwartz Tina as Tina. Toby Turner Satan as Satan. Jonathan Green Bigfoot as Bigfoot …. Scarfman Scarfman as Scarfman …. Jimmy Wong Leader as Leader. Benny Fine Rafi Fine. More like this. Storyline Edit.
Did you know Edit. User reviews 4 Review. Top review. MyMusic, entertainment for all! As a 28 year old, married, mom-to-be, most people would be quick to say, "You're too old to be watching kid shows on You Tube! This show is completely OK for all ages! Indie : Shut up Intern 2! You shut up! Shut up Indie! Intern 2: Uh, still working on it. If I didn't have this Kombucha here to soothe me I would fire you right now. Seems to be subverted later on when Hip Hop saves him from being fired and Indie starts to show him some respect.
Idol: I'm pretty awesome. And the cooliest. Did she just say that again? Yes she did! Call-Back , you have the right number! Rayna: "But there's no front door in here to shut.
Intern 2: Do what now? Indie: You hear about the hoedown throwdown going off tonight? Metal : Why?