Performing either version anytime between sunrise to sunset once every day, especially on New Moon days is highly advisable. However, it is suggested to not perform tarpanam during non-daylight time.
Do it as often as possible on New Moon days. The purpose of doing this is to release ancestors to a higher plane. When they go into the light they send you their blessing. Please note, if all of the above materials are not available, the bare minimum is the black sesame seeds and water. If you cannot get black sesame seeds in your area, Dr. Pillai has said beige sesame seeds are ok; however, black sesame seeds are preferred. Take the glass of water with left hand and pour it over the mixture in your right hand, and let everything fall onto the dharba grass, coins and flowers.
You may reuse the coins, or discard everything at a river, beach or in nature. You may accumulate offering remnants and discard later.
He calls this Soul Genetics. You can learn more about this by watching this short video clip. What is Pitru Tharpanam? What is the Tarpanam Ritual? Types of Tarpanam There are several types of Tarpanams. Important amongst them are 1.
Amavasya tharpanam- to be done on all Amavasyas. Do it as often as possible on New Moon days. Materials needed: 1. Darba grass 4.
Take a glass of water and sprinkle a few drops over the offerings. Repeat this 2 more times for the same ancestor on the same tip.
In other words, we do this 3 times per ancestor on the appropriate tip. Can the son do tharpanam if the father is alive? The answer is YES. The most serious misconception regarding tharpanam is the idea that if the father is alive, the son should not do tharpanam. Think of this key point: Are not the departed ancestors of the father the departed ancestors of the son too? Of course, they are. So the son should do ancestral tharpanam too. Note that the word "pitru" here refers to all departed ancestors and not just the father.
The son has a pitru debt debt to the ancestors just as the father does. He has to discharge this debt just like his father has to discharge it. So it is important to shed this misconception rightaway.
The father should do pitru tharpanam and so should the son and the son's son. In fact, if all three do it together, the pitrus will be very pleased! Can women do tharpanam? Sathguru Venkataraman gave us the revolutionary idea in the s that women can do pitru tharpanam just as well as men. Think of this key point: If there are no sons in a family, does that mean the ancestors should be starved of tharpanam? The answer is NO. The daughters can certainly do tharpanam.
For a departed man who had daughters but no sons, will anyone do tharpanam with more mental involvement and dedication than his own daughters? So these daughters can certainly do tharpanam for this departed man. Note further that if others do tharpanam for this departed man, it will be karunya tharpanam and not pitru tharpanam. Whereas, if his daughters do it, it will be direct, full fledged pitru tharpanam. Furthermore, there is the issue of mental involvement and dedication mentioned earlier.
Because of this, it is ideal if these daughters do pitru tharpanam for this man their father. This does not mean that these daughters should make a big deal out of this and put on a show. That will only cause problems. They should do it quietly with humility and devotion.
They should realize that their gotra rishi is watching and so they must do this quietly and with utmost respect, without making a show of it or drawing attention towards themselves. If they do it thus, their gotra rishi will be pleased. However, in the general case i. But if the husband does not do tharpanam, the wife can make up for it by doing tharpanam. Women who have lost their husbands or who are separated from their husbands can do tharpanam.
Women can do karunya tharpanam for those departed souls who cared for them. Women should use white sesame seeds in their tharpanam. Refer to Sathguru Venkataraman's Siddha writings for the answer. Pitru Mukti Sacred Spaces. Nedumbala Ancestor Mandala. Can others do tharpanam for your ancestors? Why sesame seeds? Why darbha grass? Why should one do tharpanam? What are the benefits? Pure white silk cloth can also be worn, but wearing this silk cloth you should not have eaten any food.
If wet cloth is not dry, it should be seven times shaken dry in wind before wearing it. Except the tharpanam during eclipse all other tharpanams are to be done after 12 noon. Considering the difficulty, our law givers have agreed that it can be done after 8. As mentioned earlier nothing should be eaten or drunk before performance of Tharpanam. Oblations should be done with hand full of water and not drops or spoon full of water.
The water should be poured out using the space between the thumb and the four fingers. Every time a pinch of black til has to be taken. Care should be taken not to take it using the thumb and the index finger. Pithru tharpanam should always be done with poonal hanging from the right shoulder to the left side of the body. The pavithram for pithru tharpanam should be made out of three durbha and the koorcham should be made of 7 or 9 durbhas.
We should preferably sit on seat made of durbha durbhasanam while doing tharpanam and in its absence put few durbhas on the place we are going to sit, Silver vessels are prescribed for used during tharpanam. If not available copper vessels can be used. Under no circumstance should steel or other metal vessels are to be used.