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Deskripsi: Conteudo. Tandai sebagai konten tidak pantas. Unduh sekarang. Judul terkait. Karusel Sebelumnya Karusel Berikutnya. Report of Karnataka Gauseva Ayog prepared by Dr. Mittal, Member. Lompat ke Halaman. Cari di dalam dokumen.
Interrogativa no plural Are there two books on the table? Amit Kumar. Abhishek Kadyan. Mary Compson. Taylor Murrmann. Alifah Putri. Africa is a land of contrasts, but it is a fascinating continent. This animal is a member of the ape family. It lives in group in African rainforests. It is very intelligent. It sleeps in the trees. It eats fruit, plants, insects, eggs and meat. It lives about 45 years. This animal is very fast.
It lives in east and southwest Africa and it is like big cat. It has long, thin, muscular legs. It hunts small antelopes, other mammals and birds. This animal is very tall. It lives in East Africa, Angola and Zambia. IT has a really long neck and short tail. Its color varies from beige to brown.
It eats a lot of leaves, up to 66 kd a day. This a very large and strong animal, but it is not agressive. It has a very big head, small ears , dark brown eyes. It has black fur and no tail.
It lives in dense forest in central and west Africa.