Wabuke Klein also believes that, in order to attract your soulmate you need to focus on yourself first and foremost. Have you ever been out on a date with someone and they take self-deprecating humor to a whole other level? One or two comments, OK. Never underestimate the effectiveness that the powerful glow of inner wholeness will have in your mission to find the right mate. Wabuke Klein also believes that being confident about your value is key in attracting the right one for you.
Make decisions not to settle or lower your standards, and you will attract quality people who see the greatness in you and honor that. Author, speaker, and Bible teacher Ann White founded her global ministry, Courage for Life , during a crisis point in her marriage, she tells Bustle, and now she ministers to women at risk of spiritual, emotional, and physical abuse.
Believe in yourself, love yourself, and take time to take care of yourself. I switch between what will be will be and positive thought. We lived together f or 7 years and he has moved out. I have left his cupboards ready for him to come back but am worried that I am not getting the detachment thing right. Will it come in time if I just carry on practising everything you have suggested?
Thank you for your time and care. Detachment will come with time. Also, as I discuss in the book, focus on doing things that make you happy.
I used your method to attract someone back after he had gone and it worked. I want to attract him back using LOA again. I am training myself to visualise better but I find sometimes the feeling of love is strong but sometimes not at all probably because the long distanced has dragged us down and it is the second time manifesting the same person.
Will making myself happy work in order to manifest in this situation? You should follow the same steps you followed the first time. Eventually I started seeing other people years down the line, mind you our relationship was up and down. I used to beg him to get our relationship back on track for about three years so finally I gave up because of continuous cheating. Finally the guy that I was with for ten years we started seeing each other again during my pregnancy, but the catch is he wants me to give up baby for adoption.
How do me and the children attract him for a positive family oriented relationship? Reality is an illustration of the choices one makes.
These choices are a mixture of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. Hi, I am from India. I wanted to know whether your book is available in physical copy. I donot have a kindle. So if i buy it from amazon, how will i be able to access it. I donot to know much abut kindles. Pls help. Hi Riddhi — My books are only available in India as kindle books.
Amazon has free software you can download that allows you to read it on your computer and other devices. Thank you for responding, but how do I find out where and when I went wrong? The person that I have been on and off with for ten years, how do I get that back on track with him without the resentment and just have a good family life.
Do I apply the LOA or do I let go and focus on my blessings which are my children and many other things? Hi Onique — You need to look over your thoughts, beliefs, emotions from the past to see why you created it in the past. You need to look at your current thoughts, beliefs and emotions to see why you are creating it now.
Using the Law of Attraction includes letting go and focusing on your blessings. In order to succeed with the Law of Attraction, you have to work on your thoughts, beliefs and emotions AND let go and appreciate everything in your life. I want to use your book to know how to shift my focus because I keep focusing on the negative aspects. I hope to hear from u soon. Hi Rekha — My books are only available in Singapore as kindle books. Hi Riddhi — Belief and faith are necessary in order to assume the mindset of having it.
Lack of belief often stems from resistance. Overcome the resistance and belief increases. Recently we started talking with each other Just a hello. My fiance and I had a very close knit relationship. Unfortunately, life had us spend the last 8 months away from each other, because of work. It took its toll on the relationship which had already started to suffer because of financial reasons. From one day to the next, he completely closed the door on me.
We went from constantly talking and missing each other, to nothing at all. Logistics had to be sorted out etc…. But he has become very cold all of a sudden, and I heard that it was the only way for him to get over it. He says that moving forward and far away helps him deal with getting over us… In any case, our relationship was beautiful on the whole, but we simply had a break down in communication when it came to dealing with the pain of separation and money issues.
I know he is my soulmate as I am his. That much I know. However, he is moving so far away. I am going to be in the US and him in Tahiti. Do we even stand a chance? He could meet someone else, or just forget about me…. I am lost. I want him because we were something awesome. We just allowed fear to rule our lives…. Need some TLC and encouragement : … Thanks. You matter. Work on your thoughts, feelings, and vibration.
You have the ability to change your life and the Universe fully supports you. Can you please help me how should i use this law in this case. By applying this loa, can you manifest a couple of people at once?
You can pick the best person for you. You can use the techniques in my book on the law of attraction for love to help you do this by focusing on the type of person you want, as opposed to the specific person.
Loved your kindle book! Moving on is never as easy as one thinks. So that alone, prevents one from moving on peacefully. Frankly, moving on with hope, regardless of the result, is so much healthier than without it. So for that alone thanks! I know he is hurt and dealing with it in his won male way I guess…We are thousands of miles away from each other and I want to manfiest spending christmas together.
Is is advisable to manifest a certain date? Does that give it more power, or takes away from manifestation? It just seems that manifesting an ex back is almost more difficult than manifesting a specific person you know but have never had a relationship with…Probably because of all the baggage and history.
So anyway I just wanted to know if a specific date is ok? Thank you so much :. You are a good person Elizabeth. Helping others reach their goals and through difficult times is an amazing and honorable way to leave a mark in this world. I never imagined anyone would be having a book club or post clubs. You can use a specific date if you want. I usually caution people not to use specific dates because it causes a problem for most people. They become fixated on the date and, as the date approaches, they begin to start blocking themselves from receiving what they want.
Also, a specific date can also delay a manifestation at times. People can focus on a date so intensely that they delay an invent from manifesting until the date.
For example, picking Christmas could delay something from manifesting until Christmas, whereas if no date had been picked it may have manifested months earlier at Halloween. So you can use Christmas, but be aware of any fears or other forms of resistance that comes up if you do. She wanted to know if it was compatible eventhough it is the same philosophy, she was afraid that perhaps practising two different methods might delay her manifestations in any way…I do not know if this is something you can help her with!
Loving our little book club which is growing too!!!! My ex and I broke up only because his parents believe that he does not need a relationship with a girl in this time in life. He just started college. I am so in love with him. We have been broken up since this summer, and I am trying my best to do everything the LOA teachers express you should do. I believe that I spend alot of focus on missing him, which of course brings more missing him. This week I have found a way to completely be happy, therefore I manifested a message from him.
We are not allowed to communicate with each other so I never know when I will get to talk to him. I asked him during that time if he would fight for us, fight for us to be together and by his actions and words, he pretty much wants us to wait, just like his parents want him to do.
I believe we can all be a happy family right now in this time! Basically my question to you is; Can going by the advice in this article help me with manifesting my one huge burning desire. Considering this involves three people now. The LOA states to visualize and feel your desire, like you already have what you want. Basically focusing on you is the major part of attracting a specific person, and of course being okay with not receiving what you want, letting go or detachment.
Hi Elizabeth.. AJ here again…I bought your book last night and read it in one setting! Good stuff! I will be reading it again today so I can start the work properly and really soak it all in. But we are both still on the dating site we meet on few months ago. I know I am doing no contact, but with him still being able to see me and I being able to see him…does that kill the mystery of him missing me and will it hinder me from fully letting go? I am just trying to stay open and not block anyone that maybe better…even though I want the chance to see where things can go with him with the proper realignment.
Thanks in advance! The Law of Attraction for love has your best interest at heart. Hi Elizabeth, I believe in the LOA as it has worked for me my entire life in many situations that seemed absolute hopeless. But i have not used it for a specific person ever, but I am so excited to do that now.
My question is, is there another format where I can get your book, as I do not have kindle? I will pay the same price of course. Thank you! Amazon has free apps that allow you to read it on your computer, ipad and other devices.
I was in a relationship with someone a few months back, but life circumstances got in the way a bit. These life circumstances have changed now and I would like him back in my life.
Should I focus my energy on manifesting him specifically? And we have not talked in a while, so I assume I should NOT contact him and just focus on myself and on the manifestation? Please advise.
I have not heard from him in a while. Should I contact him or just wait? Please refer to those answers. What if they are telling everyone they are moving on and happier without you and are going toward greener pastures and they are open to meeting someone new? Any tips on how to switch off emotional pain and memories, and just concentrate on the good? My tips are: 1 Stop focusing on the negative. Focus on what you want to create.
Change how you view your ex. Allow yourself to see him as being nicer towards you. Focus on what you like about him. If you believe manifesting him is very challenging, it will be for you. You need to overcome the negative feelings you have. Choose to be happy and do things that make you happy. It will get easier. It gave me hope when I was devastated. My story is like this. I used to like someone. In fact I really do love him with all my heart. I did my part and let him know about my feelings to him.
He said that he dont wanna hurt me and he says I deserve someone better without even giving it a try. But my instinct always say that he do love me, he just dont want to show it. Every night, I would pray to god to give me signs if i should continue to believe in this love or not. I did receive signals not once but many times.
Its like each time I want to move on in life something unbelievable happens, like getting a text from him and so on. I really want to share my love and happiness with him. I have completely let go and I am staying dettached. But I just want to know what else could I do to make him realise my love for him is pure?
Please give me a piece of your mind. I really desire a relationship with him. I am looking forward for your reply. You really make good use of your time. All I can say is God bless you! You deserve everything! I really really like this girl who recently got married to someone else deservedly to a great guy. But she and I get along really well.
She is amazing. Obviously I cant go down the path to attract her using LOA. I like her. At the same time, I know 3 other girls that really like me. They are also amazing, all in different ways. But sadly I have no feelings for any of them. All 3 are so nice. Every guy likes them. It all makes sense.
I think I do do that. Sometimes overly. Sometimes I have an ego too. Have to be honest and admit it. Manifest someone who strikes your fancy and makes you happy. Apply it. Change begins with you. Dear Elizabeth, I have not yet read your book which I have just purchased but I have a couple of questions regarding a broken relationship:. He has made it clear that there is no way he would get back into a relationship with me.
And of course, after being told this I wrote him an angry email giving him a piece of my mind. While I love him more than life itself and visualize us being together again I must say that I find it very difficult to imagine us together, based on the way he seems to feel or not feel… about me. How do I let go of thinking of the outcome when all I can do is think about him and that perhaps he will meet someone else soon, or already has etc…. Am I wrong for wanting the love of my life back and just be given a genuine chance to see if things could work again?
Just something small? As he never contacts me first for anything anymore. Would that be alright to just manifest him little by little to build my confidence? If you need more information on letting of of the outcome, these articles might help: Are You Having Trouble Letting Go?
Hi, I want your suggestion , My best friend ignores me suddenly behave like an stranger like she dont know me, 1 month ago she talk to me regularly hang with me all day we go for date watching movies , spending time with me their are no reason to ignore me she knows from very first day that i love her as s friend i want her back i dobg know ehy she ignoring me …….
Mam i dont know , i do nothing wrong but she ignores me i lovd her as a friend as a love of my life , why she ignores me i want her back and want she also love me like i do………. Thank you for offering good advice and sharing your beliefs.
I believe I manifested him into my life and we get along fabulously. Hope this makes sense. This has a lot to do with quantum physics and is far too complex to give a detailed answer here. Basically, you create your reality. Everything in your reality now is based on what you have created in the past. Your future is based on what you are creating now. Your future can be anything that you choose it to be.
There is a limitless number of possibilities for you to step into, just as there is a limitless versions of you and a limitless versions of everyone else in your life. Everyone takes a role according to the reality you create. If you create a reality with him in it, he will be in it. Manifesting is about lining up with the reality you want. A future exists where you are with him and a future exists where you are not with him.
You simply have to come into alignment with the reality that you want. All the power lines in you. Thank you for your answer and this makes sense. I understand that if my reality is to have him in my life, then he will be. You will experience the reality you are most in vibrational reality with.
You create your reality. Hi Elizabeth…I really appreciate you taking the time to answer all of our questions…no matter how big, small or repetitive…thank you for continuing to answer and being patient…we all are just trying to get it right…trying to find our happy place and manifest within it.
But I would like to know if it is possible to manifest him or someone even better for Thanksgiving? I would love to have a great guy to accompany me for the holiday festivities and more!
And how do I manifest faster? Thanks again in advance! Think about it, this person can take many different shapes and forms. Must like animals…dogs in particular. I was invited to attend a ceremony for an event which relates to my business. This involved meeting a film crew, a few journalists, PR people, and a few external organisations.
Embody the version of you that has this relationship. How would you be showing up? Most likely not obsessing over an outcome, taking self-care time , doing things that make you feel good regardless of a partner being in your life or not. Do something about it. The final step is perhaps the hardest.
The love that you attract might not look how you imagined so Concha says to prepare yourself for some surprises along the way. Your Privacy Rights.
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I Accept Show Purposes. Charlotte Grainger is a freelance writer in Sheffield, England.