Note: Stage 2 and Stage 3 can be completed in either order, depending on which quest is completed first. However, it is recommended to complete Stage 2, An Island Getaway, first. See Bugs. A bridge connects the first island with the middle one, and a log cabin has been built on the small island behind the caravans, connected by a causeway. Around the back of the middle island, facing Bowerstone, a caravan and General Goods stall have been built.
Here are three brand new hairstyles to give your Hero a truly unique look: cornrows, afro and asymmetrical bob. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when clothes are unlocked in the storyline. Discover a whole new town built beneath the streets of Bowerstone. If you run into the town during the related quest the enemies will disappear when you open the gate.
If you choose to free the residents, Understone can be entered from either the factory in Bowerstone Industrial or from a cave entrance on the beach outside of Bowerstone Old Quarter. Inside the Cock in the Crown pub you'll have to fight for your life.
A single charged spell attack followed with some ranged weapon blasts should clear the room and win you the Hideout Key. Take this key across the bridge in the Market and down the stairs. The entrance to the Hideout is on the platform under the bridge.
In the Hideout, Nigel Ferret will leave you to his minions. Shoot first and skip asking questions altogether. Take the door at the bottom of the stairs in the first room and surprise the sleeping foes with a magic attack. You can only get this key once you are Ruler of Albion. During the Weight of the World you will be asked to meet with Page and then prevent a robbery.
Please welcome our newest wiki administrator, RustInDirt! Leave a message. Located in Bowerstone Market , it becomes the base of operations for Nigel Ferret and his gang once he relocates from Bowerstone Industrial.
Following the ascension of the Hero of Brightwall to the monarchy , Page informs Albion's new ruler that all criminals have flocked to Nigel Ferret's banner. His secret base, however, is found after a failed robbery at The Cock in the Crown pub, where the Hero found a message detailing the way to the hideout. The hideout itself is an impressive base, well-stocked with supplies, ammunition, and mercenaries.
There is a second door which gets you back in to the hideout right next to the one you are probably trying. Its to the right with the hatch spin lock. But you do have to be King first. User Info: MrTibbs Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.
Question Status Bowerstone Market chest? Answered Where do I find Dave in bowerstone market? Unanswered Bowerstone Market, haggling for warrior clothing, glitched? Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device.