Why gerontology is important

Read more. Fifth Floor Baltimore, MD Because so much of their work is dedicated to spending time with aging adults, gerontologists must have certain characteristics in order to be successful in the field.

Many gerontologists exhibit high levels of patience and compassion and have innately strong communication skills. These are important traits that help you to expertly navigate the generational gap that can sometimes create misunderstandings or place a strain on relationships with the elderly. In addition to these special characteristics, those interested in obtaining a gerontology degree will need to be exceptionally detail-oriented and consistent. This signals to future employers that you have a thorough understanding of some of the basic elements of elderly adult care, including the following:.

Another characteristic that is helpful for gerontologists to have is creativity. As younger generations transition into an older demographic, new sets of challenges will arise, requiring existing gerontologists to come up with creative solutions.

No two people are alike, and what may resonate with one patient may not have the same impact on another. Having a creative spirit will help you to see problems from multiple perspectives in order to arrive at the best solution. With an increasing elderly population, the need for gerontologists also increases. In fact, workers within this industry are expected to experience faster than average job growth between and , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS.

Because gerontology covers so many different aspects of aging, there are a plethora of jobs and industries to choose from that involve gerontological care. Social and human service assistants are considered gerontologists and only require a high school diploma to get started in the field.

Getting a gerontology degree opens the doors to many possible career paths. Among the highest-paying jobs for students receiving their gerontology degree are psychologists, sociologists, occupational therapists, marriage and family therapists, physical therapists, rehabilitation counselors, social workers, and medical scientists — to name a few.

The following is a breakdown of some of the most lucrative jobs available for those pursuing their gerontology degree:. According to the BLS, California is consistently named as the state with the highest employment level for gerontological occupations.

National University offers comprehensive courses in gerontology, giving students the skills necessary for success in the field. The program at National is designed for adult students and working professionals already practicing gerontology, allowing students to obtain an online degree in gerontology with extensive course offerings. In addition, prerequisite courses or related industry work must be completed along with a professional letter of recommendation.

There will be more individuals who are fit and functional well into their 80s as well as more individuals living into their late 90s and even into their s. Not only is there a need to increase the geriatric competence of our work force, there is a need to generate more interest in working with older adult as the number of geriatric specialists is declining.

We need to recognize caregivers as integral members of the health care team and provide them with the information and support they need to take care of their loved ones. This symposium features work from scholars in the field of gerontology education who will explore the attitudes and perspectives on aging of students in primary and secondary school in a variety of settings and activities. Furthermore, the symposium will articulate an important and emerging agenda of research for burgeoning scholars in the field of aging by outlining the needs for gerontological knowledge in primary and secondary education.

This session will conclude with a dynamic discussion of the current state and future needs for increased efforts in gerontological education among primary and secondary students. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

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