This service is more advanced with JavaScript available. Addresses multilingual healthcare communication around the globe Aims to pave new directions of communicative and methodological agendas Covers studies from Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Greenland.
Front Matter Pages i-x. Pages Multilingual Counselling in Preventive Healthcare. Tatjana Binggeli, Christiane Hohenstein. About this book Introduction. This volume is the first to address multilingual healthcare communication around the globe and focuses on institutional, social and linguistic challenges and resources of the healthcare industry. It comprises studies from Canada, Australia, South Africa, Greenland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, and aims to introduce new paths of communicative and methodological agendas, casting a critical view on current linguistic practices in healthcare, nursing and medical interactions.
With increased personal mobility in a global society, the need for multilingual staff is on the rise in medical institutions and healthcare organisations, and communicative competencies and practices involving different languages pose challenges for medical doctors, healthcare staff and patients alike. Hekim doktor bulun. Valide Sultan: Haticem ne oldu? Bu dualar bize iyi gelsin. Ruhumuz huzur bulsun, zor durumda olanlara iyilik versin diye okunuyor.
I noticed you comment and thought I'll interfere. You can't send PMs due to your user rank. If you want to ask for a translation for something like that, please open a thread in the forums. Become a translator Request new lyrics translation. Login Registration. Proofreading requested. English translation English. Click to see the original lyrics. Add new translation Add new request. Translations of "Elimde Duran English dilaracik.