Can i lay paving slabs on soil

Prepare a concrete mix of three parts sand and one part cement, adding water to create a doughy consistency. You can use a cement mixer, or a large tub or bucket. To check the mix is thick enough, pick some up and mould into a ball.

When you let go, it should retain its shape without oozing water or falling apart. Then, lower your first paving slab into position. Ideally it wants to sit 15mm in the mortar. Repeat this process, leaving a mm gap between each paving slab, until your patio is covered.

The final part of laying a patio is applying the finishing touches. The garden I have now is all sand and pebbles nothing grows I have put slabs straight down, leveling them was easy because of the sand content. Been down 2 years now walking on them constantly. Would not try it with any other soil. You must log in or sign up to reply here.

Show Ignored Content. Related Threads. Replies: 1 Views: Tigercubrider 13 Sep Laying natural sandstone paving slabs jb , 25 Apr , in forum: In the Garden. Replies: 7 Views: Replies: 0 Views: BruceyBonus00 16 Apr Replies: 8 Views: 4, Nige F 8 May I'd just dig out to the depth of the slabs plus a bit and level it out, compact the soil, level with sand and lay the slabs over the top butted up really tight.

Once done the and playhouse on top what is going to go wrong? This has worked fine for me in the past and for small sheds and the like its perfectly adequate IMHO. Before you decide what method your going to use think about what you will do with the area once the kids have grown out of the playhouse. Will you want something easy to get up or will you use it as a patio or put a shed on it? This hasn't really sorted much out really, has it? If I have ignored your advice then I apologise!

I'm sure your method would be just fine…and if it goes tits up I'll let you all know. Did my patio last year. You could stand a crane on it. Meh, we had play house — put it on stilts and then on a paving slab under each corner. We did this and it's great — easy to spray off underneath and keeps bugs out. But then we're in Australia, where even the moths are toxic….

This topic has 27 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by gazc. Viewing 28 posts - 1 through 28 of 28 total. Never done it before, anyone got any good tips please?

Posted 11 years ago. Taff Free Member. What stumpyjon said but deffo put a membrane down with 75mm blinding on top Posted 11 years ago.

Jason Free Member. No need for a membrane as weeds won't grow in the dark under the playhouse. TooTall Free Member.


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