So I might be best to leave any protectant off the paint until after it's re-cleared. That way I don't risk having any contaminates fouling the Urethane clear coat. Originally Posted by greenvw. Is there a product that would better protect my enamel clear coat better than the wax pictured?
Originally Posted by hollerstiltner. Don't worry about people hating on a spray can paint job. If you like how it turns out, that's all that matters. I hope you didn't think my comment was meant as a putdown. I still think this guy had a great result from a roller and a TON of work. As for the wax, I believe mike is quoted as saying "use what you like and use it often.
I have excellent luck with DP Poli coat, collinite , max wax and blackfire crystal seal. For abrasion, look into the coatings offered.
They should offer more protection than most waxes. I've no first hand experiences with them yet though. Originally Posted by Mike. Phillips Autogeek. Plus with the volume of questions I get the "time factor" to type for only one set of eyeballs just doesn't compute. If you were to look through the forum group created for me you'll find lots of threads where I do the same thing, that is take the FB, PM and e-mail messages I get and turn them into threads and then send the person asking the questions the link.
It's not just you Thanks for replying to the thread. I have to disappear from my office for the rest of the week for a new project, I'll get back to your thread as soon as I get time.
Here's an assortment of coatings that AG carries. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page:. Either way will bring back the shine, wax will work too, but not for the long hual like the first two options.
Post up some pics, rattle can paint jobs are all the rage right now. Joined Dec 4, Messages 1, Location Hiding. If you hit it with clear to give it the gloss, get 10 cans of the stuff, Dont ask how I know.
You need to really really really coat all of the fresh rattle with the clear or it will look like poop This is all Zestig's fault. I have a really good wet coat that looks like it has been clear coated after its dry. Im using rustoleum "professional" and this stuff is super glossy. Seriously cant tell its a rattle job from a fppt a way.
Do you need any tools for the paint polish?? Mad Chemist. Orbital buffer helps. After spraying my 40 using an HVLP gun - used then grit sandpaper, medium cut cleaner, glaze, then wax.
Bit of a tedious process, especially when you end up with as much orange peel as I did. However, unless you rattle-canned it on there pretty thick, I'm guessing you won't be able to take enough off without breaking through to the primer. One of the best tricks I've learned for dealing with runs is to take a razor blade like the ones that go in a scraper with the one edge a kind of heavy wrap to hold on to, or go in the scraper.
Wrap one or two layers of good masking tape aound each end to expose an area of blade in the middle slightly larger than the run. You'll get the feel of it fast. Get some to grit wet papre to use and you'll be happy with the results. I would spray a scap piece and then try sanding that. Big thing, as mentioned before is making sure you have enough build up of paint so you don't sand through. If you do, it wouldn't be a big deal to just hit that spot again with the rattle can.
With a single-stage paint which I suppose rattle can would fall into you should be able to wet sand and then polish. Most people still refer to the sanding of clearcoats as "color sanding" since that was what you did to polish up single stage paints.
You can sand for adhesion and spray a new coat of clear over the base, but it will never lock in, and it will always sit on top of the old clear at the edges. The new clear coat will never be as strong as the original and will fail much quicker.
Additionally, do you sand orange peel before clear coat? If orange peel occurs after the first clear coat , do you sand then or wait until the last coat of clear is applied. Clearcoat Spray Paint Allow 30 minutes after base coat color has been applied to apply the clear coat. Each coat should be dry to the touch not tacky before moving on to the next. If you are spraying clear over old paint , or redoing damaged clear coat on a project, the prep is the same as for any other paint : Wet sand smooth, feathering the edges of any old clear coat.
Then, wipe with a tack cloth to remove any dust. Clear Coat. Wet- sand the base coat before starting the clear coat. Wet sanding makes the surfaces smoother. It is often a step in polishing cars and other items.
The clear coat should be wet -sanded with grit sandpaper. This is to replace the orange peel with finer and finer scratches, which will eventually be filled in with polish. The sanding steps help diminish the clear coat until the entire surface is smooth. A: Clear coat can be applied over existing clear coat , as long as it is in good condition.
Urethane clears bond to the base coat while it is still drying. Spraying clear over base after more than 24 hours is not preferred. Generally, you have to paint a larger area, then just the scratched part to blend the paint well. I'll show you how to sand and buff the clear coat back to a shine. When I wet sand, I like to add a few drops of soap to the water in order to allow the sandpaper to glide more easily over the surface and not grab as easy, biting into the paint.
I used 3M grit wet sanding paper to make small circles and knock the bumps down. Every now and then I'd dry off the surface to see how it looked.
The goal is to try and not go beyond the primer layer. This step is pretty standard since you'll simply follow the same steps you did the first time you painted, which can be found on the back of the can you're using.
They typically look like this varies among manufacturers :. If your project has any orange peel not quite perfect mirror finish , you might want to bring out the shine with the use of some wet sanding and machine polish. This is also a good step if your project retains some overspray from previous spray paint applications.
In my case, I had so many overlapping spray angles, that the mist from the clear coat spray settled on a dried surface and made it dull. Wet sanding and polishing will get rid of that as well.