Why is vetinari a woman? How does SCP kill? During the second they began to speculate on how many movies Bacon had been in and the number of people with whom he had worked. The plot of the film was inspired by the real-life story of David Hampton, a con man and robber who convinced a number of people in the s that he was the son of actor Sidney Poitier. Who has the highest IQ in Mensa? Can you really bring dead batteries back to life? Anthony Langlois found a 7 and asks, "Anybody up to challenge me for a 9?
Jonathan So found two 7s in about half an hour and now returns to searching. Dawn Kleiman found a 7. Shannon Getz found a 7. Jeff Vorndam found three 7s and an 8. Alex Savulescu, the first Romanian in the Hall of Fame, found three 7s and is now looking for Romanian actors in the Oracle. Dave Bontempo found an 8 and a 7 and waves "Hi, Mom! He figures he's not getting paid, so he may as well be looking for high Bacon numbers.
July, Madison Francis found three 7s after about thirty minutes of searching. John Lubert found eight 7s while watching Last of the Mohicans. I don't think the 7s he found were in Last of the Mohicans, of course Serena Wakefield found a 7 but declares it "[not] the most honorable of victories I have no idea who [this actress] is. Carlos Sapone found three 8s before I even put them in the Oracle.
This is arguably the first preemptive entry into the hall of fame. Mark Rybka found seven 7s, which he dedicates "to those who stood by me when the going got tough William Beede found eight 7s. Justin Ward found three 7s, commenting that it's "strange to look for [high Bacon numbers] because no actor or actress anyone has ever actually heard of has a Bacon level above 3. Blair Gibb found a 7, quite by accident, and now wants to find out where he can rent films with that actor.
Darrell Schulte found two 7s. August, Jan Besehanic found a 7. Jim Smith, a lawyer on his second day of unemployment, found a 7 and an 8 and is honored to find himself "among the immortals with too much time on their hands.
Anthony Foglia found a 7. Justyn Egert found a 7, exclaiming that "all those long, boring hours at work finally pay off. He's still looking for an 8 but is afraid that if he finds one, his co-workers will probably shoot him.
Julie Han found a 7 after about 3 hours of "obsessive searching. Anders Engwall found two 7s. Steve Solomon found four 7s. Igor Schein found two 7s. Rick Limentani found two 7s before they actually showed up in the Oracle, making his the second pre-emptive entry into the Hall of Fame. Accordingly, Rick has become "a hero in [his] own lunchtime. Dylan McGehee found "the elusive 7, now going for an 8. I think William wins that bet. Jeff Bjoraker "could not stop until he got an 8. September, Thivagar Velayutham found three 7s and an 8.
Marlene Kincaid found an 8. Ben Elgin found eleven 7s over his lunch break. Hansjoerg Lehner found four 7s. Rachel Policar found two 7s. Timothy Law found six 7s and brags, "So, Patrick. Beat you to it! Now he's looking for links to Ayn Rand. Victor Morton found two 7s and an 8. Declan Kane found a 7. Wilson Pereira from Brazil found two 7s. Alexander Flack found three 7s. Mike Langley found three 7s. October, Lars Joachim Grimstad writes "a lunch break and [an obscure movie] were my fortunate way into the world of Kevin Bacon number 7s.
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Main Page See live article Alphabetical index. Bacon number Kevin Bacon is well known for a college movie trivia game called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon , which is intended to find the Bacon number of an arbitrary actor or actress. The Bacon number of an actor or actress is determined as follows: Kevin Bacon has a Bacon number of zero.
The Bacon number of actor or actress A is defined to be the minimum of the Bacon numbers of all the actors or actresses with whom A appeared in a movie produced by a major studio, plus one.