Dividing what a school needs from a tracking system into what is useful, what might be useful and what will never be used, the first category will probably be the smallest, i. In reality the terminology is more about coverage rather than depth, understanding and mastery.
When a point score is applied to each band, then a linear point scale can be established and an expected rate of progress generated for all pupils.
What they indicate is that a requisite number of boxes were ticked in the tracking system and it was ensured that the numbers went up. Trying to represent the curriculum as a set of preordained points scores so a numerical value can be afforded to progress which no one should be asking for and that tells schools nothing of value is a waste of time.
To shrink learning down to a simple number eclipses the need for accuracy, usefulness and meaning. A linear points scale has no hope of representing progress which consists of catching up, filling gaps, broadening and deepening understanding and dealing with obstacles.
Tracking the gaps in learning will mean that progress will be taken care of. The software chosen needs to be flexible enough to adapt to whatever approach the school takes to assessment and to adjust as the approach develops.
They soldier on trying to find ways around the issues, sifting through many reports to find something that is of use and being frustrated by ill—fitting criteria that bear little resemblance to their curriculum. The sixth rule James added in July Many schools spend a great deal of time producing pupil group-level data. The usefulness of such data is questionable. Amanda Spielman, HM Chief Inspector, has spoken unequivocally about this and has indicated what she expects schools and school leaders to be doing in this respect:.
Let me be clear again, we do not expect to see 6 week tracking of pupil progress and vast elaborate spreadsheets. Primary schools must report. Apart from these tests, schools are free to track progress and attainment using their own methods, without direction from the DfE. As a result, many schools have a sense of working in isolation without measures of best practice.
The ways that schools are held accountable has also changed, with less intervention from Local Authorities and many schools transitioning to academies within a MAT. With admin tasks taking up a shockingly large amount of time for Teachers and Middle Leaders 4.
Check out our tips for saving hours a week on admin here. The majority of primary schools tend to rely on manual methods of tracking progress, such as spreadsheets or even paper! These methods may have been used for years, but are very time-consuming to enter, check and analyse data. Some schools subscribe to online progress trackers which give them a wide range of frameworks to choose from, and crunch the data for them.
See our guide to finding the right system for tracking pupil progress below. Staff and pupils have had to adapt to online or blended teaching and learning — which will be here to stay for many classrooms going forward. Covid also made schools re-evaluate and reflect on how they measure and track pupil progress, with questions such as:.
When the assessment cycle goes smoothly, staff at all levels have quick and easy access to the data they need to really understand which pupils are on track, and take the right action straight away to support those who are struggling. Check out their bios below. But have you ever thought about how much time it takes to input or upload assessment data manually every cycle?
The analysis reports might be just what you need, but do they give you the fullest picture of how pupils are doing across their whole life at school — including pastorally, in behaviour and attendance? Do pupils develop as autonomous learners? How can attainment and progress be recorded and tracked? What is the place of periodic testing when assessing in the National Curriculum? Return to Assessment without levels: Assessment in the context of the National Curriculum.
Whatever day-to-day assessment system schools opt for they need to be able to demonstrate: how securely their pupils have learned what progress pupils are making year-on-year that all pupils are on track to meet expectations how well tailored support programmes are impacting on the learning of individual pupils who are falling behind Adapting to these considerable changes and putting in place revised systems that work for pupils and teachers alike has not been easy.
For example, pieces of writing or diagrams and pictures which are used as a means to assess the security and depth of understanding a child has attained. Assessing and Monitoring Pupil Progress , EEF Day to day assessment and over time In the short-term , assessment serves its primary formative purpose of supporting learning as it happens day by day.
UK website: …… the blunt instrument of levels has been removed and replaced by the freedom for different schools to develop assessment systems of their choosing. Materials have also been developed for speaking and listening and primary science. These are available on The National Strategies' website. How does APP work?