About 16 million Americans are estimated to have rosacea. Scientists are investigating possible factors , including:. About 66 percent of people with lupus develop a skin disease. Malar rash is present in 50 to 60 percent of people with systemic lupus erythematosus, also known as acute cutaneous lupus. Lupus is a somewhat rare condition, likely underdiagnosed due to its complexity. Lupus is a complex disease that affects each person differently. Symptoms may start slowly or suddenly.
The symptoms also vary widely in severity. Additional symptoms may include:. Diagnosis of a malar rash can be a challenge because there are many possible causes.
Your doctor will take a medical history and review all your symptoms to rule out other possibilities. You may also need a chest X-ray and echocardiogram to look for heart damage. A diagnosis of lupus depends on many test results, not just one marker. Treatment for malar rash depends on the severity of your rash and the suspected cause.
Because sunlight is often a trigger for malar rash in general, the first line of treatment is to limit your sun exposure and use sunscreen rated at SPF 30 or more. If you have to be in the sun. Learn more about choosing a sunscreen. Rosacea malar rash treatment may include antibiotics, special skin creams to heal and repair your skin, and possible laser or light treatments.
For systemic bacterial infections — that is, infections affecting the entire body — you may need oral or intravenous antibiotics. Rashes caused by bacterial infections can be cured. Rashes from these conditions improve with treatment, but can flare up again. People with lupus may experience joint and muscle pain, fatigue, fever, hair loss , and anemia, to name just a handful. Also known as the malar rash, the butterfly rash is actually one of several skin concerns associated with lupus.
Depending on the individual, the butterfly rash can range from a very light to deep shade of red, and sometimes it can be raised or scaly.
Why it often takes the shape of a butterfly remains unclear, Dr. Although lupus is not a type of arthritis , the inflammation that it causes can result in symptoms of arthritis. A person with lupus may have photosensitivity, which is a sensitivity to ultraviolet UV light. They may notice that they get sunburned more easily than other people. The sun can also trigger the development of skin lesions, such as a butterfly rash or discoid lupus.
A person may notice this reaction when they are in cold temperatures or under stress. Doctors categorize lupus into four different types. These types share common symptoms but have different causes. There is no single test that can diagnose lupus. A person may need to take medications and see their doctor regularly. A person can work with their doctor to decide which medications and treatment options are best for them. Some people may wish to use alternative treatments to help manage their lupus symptoms.
While there is no conclusive evidence to confirm that any alternative treatments work, some people may find that they help with certain symptoms.
Before trying any alternative treatment, it is important to talk to a doctor. Some of these treatments may interfere with other medications. In addition, a person should never replace the medications that their doctor prescribed them with alternative treatments. With proper treatment, many people who have lupus can live full, active lives.
However, it is vital that they see a doctor regularly and follow an individualized treatment plan to avoid serious complications of the disease.
Dealing with a chronic disease can be challenging. People with lupus may wish to connect with others who have the condition for emotional support and encouragement. The Lupus Foundation of America list their support groups by state, and there are other lupus support groups in some states.
The Lupus Research Alliance also have an online community forum for people with lupus and their loved ones. Lupus is an autoimmune condition that can cause inflammation and other problems in the body. Many of the symptoms are similar to those of other…. A malar rash is also known as a butterfly rash and appears on the face. It is usually red or purple and may be blotchy or solid.
It can occur….