Step into the shoes of new and old characters as you enter this beautiful world once more. With a bigger world than ever, more to discover and many more puzzles to solve there is so much waiting for you here.
There are new and old places to visit and a huge range of activities. This time your choices affect your journey more than ever, and you have many more options than before as you travel the worlds before you. Although the game offers a lot more of the same things controls and gameplay , it does provide players with a fresh new selection of classes and characters, namely Abel the Berserker, Neal the Wizard, Ryan the Paladin and Evan the Gunslinger, along with a brand new storyline.
Due to the use of specific named characters, you'll have limited options when it comes to character customization. It seems like Gamevil leanred their lesson from Zenonia 4, allowing Zenonia 5 to be a much better version. Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.
Boards Zenonia 4: Return of the Legend Q about the 96sidequest title. User Info: pirateof7sea. User Info: Kuchinatsu.