When do you get vanilles summon

Lastly, as a Saboteur has a more hands-off approach, all she needs to do is cast AoE spells and watch the Chains rise as Bahamut takes care of everything. Some say the world will end in ice. Shiva is based on the Hindu god of destruction of the same name, although there are several other interpretations pulled from a multitude of sources that float around in the aether of the Final Fantasy community. Shiva is unique amongst the Eidolons because the summon consists of two sisters, Stiria and Nix.

Fitting with the narrative of FF13, only one of the sisters will actually be targeted by enemies in combat unless it involves AoE attacks.

Instead, the two sisters perform distinct roles to aid Snow in battle. In addition to the standard array of Blizzard attacks, the untargetable Stiria will take on a supporting role akin to a Medic and Synergist. Nix, on the other hand, will be throwing out powerful physical spells like Blitz, Launch, and Ruin.

This makes her a very useful companion as the Chain Bonus can be increased more swiftly, provided that Snow shifts into the Ravager paradigm. A much more liberal interpretation of the All-father, Odin still remains very recognizable. Instead of his spear, he wields the Zantetsuken, which is a staple amongst the most powerful Final Fantasy weapons and spells. In his Gestalt form, Odin transforms into a horse, which is a reference to his trusty mythological steed — Sleipnir. Odin has an affinity for Lightning, both character and attacks, and will therefore ignore any resistances toward the element.

Much like Alexander, Odin possesses the properties of both Commando and Sentinel. This incidentally is very effective against large groups of enemies that are clustered together. Be warned, however, that this move costs four points, so it's best used sparingly.

However, Odin does have a good number of low-costing abilities that can be crammed into the time frame before the Gestalt mode runs its course. Aloy's cheeks have been the subject of a lot of mockery from gamers online in the past few days because they're a bit bigger. Damian is a UK-based freelance content writer with 4 years experience. Using a weapon with enhanced ":debuffing" capability as Vanille's weapon will assist her status inflicting actions.

Remember that it is the actions of Vanille that are the primary means for advancing the "capture guage" during the battle. Fang is basically a "supporting" character. Therefore, a key is to always have Vanille doing something that will advance the Gestalt Guage. The Gestalt Guage "moves" when Vanille participates in the building of a chain bonus, when she heals her partner and when she attempts to inflict status ailments upon the opposition.

Manually fill Vanille's action bar with a cure spell so that Vanille keeps quickly healing Fang as the attack occurs. Using SAB SEN through out each "pause" interval may be best as that ensures Hectoncheir's attention will be directed toward Fang when the next attack occurs.

If you do, then you will not have to wait around for Vanille's action bar to refill when one of her "debuffing" attacks completes. The same applies to any other Paradigms used as well. Start pressing [Square] to attempt a capture before the "capture bar" reaches the text at its end. There is no penalty for an unsuccessful attempt at capture and you might get surprised at how early the capture will occur. Or go full SAB.

Fang is the second best SAB in the game and probably the best after Stage 8 is developed , so using her in that role can be advantageous. Last edited by talgaby ; 15 Nov, am.

Dogui View Profile View Posts. Just repeats deprotecga and deshellga on him, this would increase the gestalt A LOT, don't matter if the eidolon already has the status or not. This should do. Last edited by Dogui ; 15 Nov, am. Already defeated it,thanks. Sorry to post on a super old thread, but there really isn't a lot of information about this fight and I was re-playing the game when I got stuck here. This is also the first result. Many of the threads just repeat how easy this fight is supposed to be which is definitely not constructive.

If you charge through the Archylte Steppe as I initially did it is much harder if not impossible. I had 2 black belts lvl 1 for physical damage and bangles on both, a gold and a Tungston I was waiting to level most of my equipment until I could farm gill later in this chapter, so most of my stuff was fairly low which is again what many of the strategies suggest.

Second, Fang in SAB is basically useless for this fight. I had her fairly high but after the first initial bout of debuffs she just stops and stands there. Perhaps if you had her at higher levels there is something she might recast, but I did not spend much time grinding and only did like 3 cie'th quests.

Now, after the first pass of attacks you are typically at about a quarter of the bar as he just stands there after casting death. From here is where it gets tricky unless you are Overleveled. He will often end his combos in quake which does quite a bit of damage to Vanille, so I found myself manually casting a set of cure instead of the Cura that she kept trying to for sheer point values.

I would begin casting on fang as he attacks to get a few more seconds of time shaved off. After he finishes I top off hp and then switch back as fast as possible. Try to skip as few chances to attack as you can, you really don't have a lot of time so you have to play pretty aggressive. Lastly I held my renew ability until the final push, where I used it to tank through the damage and beat him with only a few seconds to spare. Honestly I feel grinding would just be easier.


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