For any information regarding the Jawaharlal Nehru technological university Hyderabad results please leave a comment in the below comment box. And also share this information with your friends and classmates.
Please create username and passward in favour of my institute. Your email address will not be published. Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar. Tech Result Release? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
Server — I. The university annually releases the exams time table, and result dates in the academic calendar. Students who are studying under JNTUH can check the academic schedule details from the official website, jntuh.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The content given in this site has been collected from various sources. We try and ensure all the information contained in the website is accurate and up to date.
We do not hold any responsibility of miscommunication or mismatching of information. The Following Examinations Results are released by jntuh B. You Can follow the process mentioned below to search for your jntuh B. Tech semester Regular Exam results If You are not satisfied with the results you got then you can go with the Recounting and Revaluation Process Here are the steps to follow. When the results of ,, in the month of the september ,results will going to come for r16 series?
Its 4 months already now. Please release the results sir… Eagerly waiting… Future depends on results sir. Iam eligible for the grama sachivalayam engineering assistant.. Please release the results. I applied for revaluation. What happend guys, When u ll release r13 supply results, We are eagerly waiting for that results, My future is based on that results so do perfect correction and release it immediatly.