Diet: Carnivore. Group Name: School. Average Life Span: 27 years females ; 18 years males. Size: Up to 14 feet. Weight: Up to 1, pounds. Size relative to a 6-ft man:. Least Concern Extinct. Current Population Trend: Decreasing. Share Tweet Email. Go Further. Animals Climate change is shrinking many Amazonian birds. Animals Wild Cities This wild African cat has adapted to life in a big city. Animals This frog mysteriously re-evolved a full set of teeth.
Animals Wild Cities Wild parakeets have taken a liking to London. Animals Wild Cities Morocco has 3 million stray dogs. Meet the people trying to help. Environment COP26 nears conclusion with mixed signals and frustration. Marlin fish belong to carnivorous fish.
Marlin uses its sharp muzzle to hunt prey. Squid and pelagic fish are the main foods of marlin. Also, it preys on dolphins, tuna, mackerel, crustaceans, and other smaller fish. Recent research shows a burst speed of 36 kilometers per hour 22 mph is close to maximum speed. The jump reaches 10 to 20 meters. Marlin fish that are struggling to escape, is a beautiful sight that is eagerly awaited by anglers.
Marlin will migrate over time in search of warmer waters and can migrate up to hundreds to thousands of miles. Marlin fish live in solitary , but also found in pairs. Marlins are rarely found gathered in large groups. As it breeds, it also tends to migrate to warmer waters. The main function of the long muzzle is to injure its prey so that it is easy to eat. Marlin lives in tropical waters around the world, especially in the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
Generally, these fish live at depths of meters below sea level. When the water temperature is cold, marlin fish will migrate to the waters with warmer conditions. The most popular marlin is white marlin because of its excellent properties for health. While blue marlin is the type that becomes a favorite target of anglers. Measure ad performance. Select basic ads. Create a personalised ads profile. Select personalised ads.
Apply market research to generate audience insights. Measure content performance. Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors. Share Flipboard Email. Jennifer Kennedy. Marine Science Expert. Jennifer Kennedy, M. Updated August 11, Featured Video. Cite this Article Format. Kennedy, Jennifer. The Fastest Fish in the World. Identification of Jellyfish and Jelly-like Animals. Swordfish: Habitat, Behavior, and Diet.
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