Mass effect 3 leviathan how long

My biggest reason for DLC is good story, not length or combat. User Info: Super Espio. Yep, I agree with what SRR said. Omega is really cool and decent length, but not really central to the main plot.

If you like Omega and Aria, its worth picking up I'd say. The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair. User Info: SageOfLife. Leviathan contributes greatly to making the ending seem less random. It was my favorite DLC before Citadel came out. If you have to make a choice between Leviathan and Omega, get Leviathan. Omega is mostly about combat, so you may enjoy it if that's your thing. I also thought the dynamic between Arian and Nyreen was very interesting.

It doesn't really contribute to the larger story the way Leviathan does though. Thx much for the details User Info: crawdad. I just finished citadel last night and leviathan last week, and both were great, leviathan definitely lacks in combat but more than makes up for it in lore if that's your thing, i know you already made your mind up but just wanted to point that out lol. And Citadel was quite good too, and i liked how it's story also inconsequential played out too.

And i loved that final battle. I'm an expert at the Monster Mash. Citadel and Leviathan are must haves. Now, the mission. Players once again assume control of their version of Commander Shepard and must first dispatch a couple waves of Reapers aboard a pitching ship. It's standard Mass Effect 3 combat, but apparently the dynamic nature of the floating ship made for some interesting sequences a la Uncharted 3.

From there the player must complete a few random objectives — eliminating more enemies, unlocking a door — before they take control of a mech and head to the bottom of an ocean.

Unfortunately the demo cut off there, but it is implied that Leviathan is lying dormant somewhere amidst that abyss. It's a bit disappointing to hear that Leviathan will only encompass 3 missions, but the promise of an engaging new storyline and some interesting combat scenarios is enough to carry us through.

What other combat scenarios would you like to see BioWare feature in the pack? Also, don't miss the opportunity to pick up the creepy Husk head and bring it back to your cabin. Leviathan rewards hardcore fans with fascinating information, plenty of variety, and a little bit of loot to make the journey feel profitable.

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