We see this today. Channeling - New Age The process of burning is used figuratively to denote the severity of the trials. Among you - in your midst This was to demonstrate what they could endure - trial Keep on rejoicing.
Positive Their suffering was not a threat to their spiritual life but a sign of the reality of their union with Christ See Acts And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. Home Sermons Why Me Lord? Why Not "You"?
View all Sermons. Why Me Lord? Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Nov 14, message contributor based on 11 ratings. There have been many people at one time or another, who has pondered those three words, Why me Lord?
Some blame God for everything, what most fail to realize is, God is the only one that really cares about everything in our lives, because He Loves us! Luke NKJ 6. We are made in His own image. Turn to your neighbor and tell them you look a little bit like God, this morning.
Church, I tell you this morning, that He loves us, Everyone is always quick to say why me Lord, when it seems like things are going bad and you need someone to blame.
Download Sermon with PRO. Browse All Media Related Media. Talk about it Nobody has commented yet. God, Why Me? Lessons from the Life of Job Imagine losing ten children in a single day, along with your health and all your possessions, without any reason to hope for a recovery. Sermons Sermon 01 God, Why Me?
February 5, Let God be God. Sermon 02 God, I've Lost Everything! February 12, If only we could see the tender hand of the Savior who bleeds for us, how different it would be. Sermon 05 Jesus, Please Answer Job! March 5, The ultimate questions in life can only be answered by Jesus Christ. Sermon 06 Words Of Wisdom From A Young Man April 23, Job was a righteous man who suffered tragically because of his righteousness—not because of his unrighteousness.
Sermon 07 When God Comes April 30, The best answer to the problem of suffering and evil is to look at a Savior who reconciles you to a holy God. The Bible teaches that God tests believers to prove the genuine quality of their faith. A proven faith is worth far more than gold, and results in praise and honor and glory to God 1 Peter The father is pleased when his child perseveres, even when it gets difficult!
In the first two chapters of Job, God permitted circumstances that severely tested Job's faith. Job was a man of great wealth, influence, and outstanding faith.
God said Job was "blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil" Job But then waves of adversity struck, leaving him struggling to understand. In the first wave, Job lost all his children and all his possessions.
What incredible loss! Most of our "why me? But even in this tragedy, Job recognized that everything we have in life comes from the gracious hand of God. Praise the name of the Lord! The second wave of suffering attacked Job's body with painful and unsavory afflictions. He was covered with boils His skin was crusty, and it oozed serum that attracted worms There was no relief from his fever and intense pain and , Job's response could only come from a deeply rooted faith in God: "Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?